
Monday, November 28, 2011

Don't go bananas!

   Or better yet: don't waste bananas! I'm sure most of us buy too many of them once in a while and let them sit until they turn brown, soft, and are good for nothing! I had three of them, way riper than they should be, staring at me from the fruit basket, slowly turning into a perfect fruit fly attractant! I never throw away any food unless it's absolutely necessary, so it was high time to get creative and make some banana bread. Oh all right, it might not be the most creative dish, and probably not the most surprising considering over-ripened bananas, but it was definitely very spontaneous! I wish you could see Justin's face when he saw me taking my hand mixer out! Like a five-year-old on Christmas morning! Spikey also knew that something good was going on because he sat next to Justin with his huge cute ears up staring at me the entire time without even one blink! I love to make my boys happy.
   Well, but lets get back on track with the banana bread. I know I say it a lot, but the recipe is super easy, you will see. All you need is 0.5 cup of butter at RT (room temperature for all non-science people), 1 cup of white sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups of all purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1.5 cups of mashed bananas (I used three big once). Cream the butter and sugar until smooth, then beat in eggs and bananas. Add flour and baking soda stirring just until combined. Transfer it to the pan and bake for 45-60 min at 350F or until the toothpick comes out dry.

   Every time you open the oven to check on it, it smells so unbelievably good that you just want to eat it right away, despite the fact that your mama told you not to eat a hot cake! Clearly nobody listened to mama tonight, because the second my banana bread was cool enough to touch it (none of us seemed to care about the hot steam coming out) it was sliced and half gone!

   All the Christmas decorations, the smell of spices, and baking definitely makes it feel like the holiday season is on in the Morgan's household. I'm loving it already and it's only the beginning!

Take care,

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